First off, I have to remind everyone
reading this that this chapter is NOT a serious proposal. This is just a thought experiment. I do not advocate that anybody, no matter how
wise or sincere, be given total authoritarian control over all of humanity,
especially not me. Imagining that
everyone is basically following one mind and is in total agreement about what needs
to be done, and that there’s therefore no reason to waste time with things like
military intimidation or a propaganda campaign, just helps us simplify things
and gives us a good starting point for discussion. I am aware that we live in the most complex
society ever devised by humans and that complexity obviously complicates
things. Thousands of organizations will
slow each other down, all they’ll know how to do is create even more
unnecessary organizations and all of them will waste the bulk of their energy
trying to justify their own existence so they can keep getting paid. I get it.
We will talk about these things, just not right now.
So if given the opportunity to
command every hairless creature that walks on two legs, and imagining that I
wouldn’t just spend my time coming up with sadistic torture devices for the
hosts of Fox News or picking out famous actresses for my harem, what would I
do? What are my priorities? Typical dictators generally have only one
real priority, and that’s power. Every
decision they make is based on whether or not it leads to them acquiring more
of it. Normal people, on the other hand,
generally prioritize their own happiness, then their family’s happiness,
followed by their friends’ happiness, their community’s happiness, their
country’s happiness, and sometimes they will at least claim to care about the
happiness of all humanity. There’s also
the rare breed of human, the type I’d expect to have not given up on this book
yet, who extend their concern to other species and future generations of humans
and animals. Even compassionate people
tend to put their own on top of the list though. It’s just how evolution has wired our
brains. To be a benevolent leader, to be
truly selfless, one needs to be able to reverse this list. If I’m most concerned with the long-term big
picture then the planet comes first, followed by regions, communities, those I
actually know, and I guess it’d be cool if I could still afford to be happy
myself once in a while. I know the
argument that I’m supposed to make is that doing what’s best for others is
what’s best for yourself and that you can’t exist to be happy in the first
place if you don’t take care of the planet you live on. I consider both ideas to be good advice but they’re
not really true. Technically, if
everyone was following this logic the world would be a better place and most
individuals would be happier further into the future. That doesn’t change the fact that
consequences tend to be paid by those who had nothing to do with the selfish
behavior that caused the problem.
Selfish people get away with murder all the time and many generations of
parents have lived great lives while leaving their children with no chance for
happy, fulfilling lives. Primitivists tend
to use a lot of these sort of half true arguments and, although I can
appreciate the sentiment, I’d rather avoid them. They write entire books trying to prove that
indigenous people were happier, less violent, never exploited their
environments or treated women unfairly. You
can make that argument for many of them but not for all indigenous people.
In his book Endgame, Derrick
Jensen makes a pretty big deal about Pleistocene overkill theory, trying to
make the case that early Native Americans couldn’t have wiped out whole species
of megafauna on the continent. Personally,
I think they probably did based on my own research but that doesn’t change my
opinion about simple living. Of course
these people made mistakes, especially when adjusting to life in a new
land. That doesn’t change the fact that
modern high consumption lifestyles are destroying the world or that it’s
possible to live well with less stuff.
We don’t have to pretend that indigenous people were all perfect to
appreciate certain elements of their cultures.
It’s the lifestyles that developed from centuries of trial and error
that we should be learning from anyway, not who they were when they first
invaded their bioregions. Although
humans are clearly capable of causing great damage to the natural world even
with simple technologies, the fact that ecosystems changed when humans arrived
doesn’t mean that we’re a species that’s inherently incapable of sustainability. It just means that ecosystems with humans
won’t be the same as those without them.
I don’t understand why so many advocates of simple living think they
have to prove that indigenous people never caused any damage to their
environments. Why even waste the time
fighting about these things? Why risk
your credibility focusing on questionable ideas when there are so many
undeniable ones to choose from? That’s
why I won’t be making these types of arguments.
So back to my priorities, if I put
the planet’s long-term health on top and I consider the biggest threats to be
the economy’s growth imperative, climate change, ecocide, resource exhaustion,
inequality and irrational beliefs, what do I demand that my followers do about
it? For starters they need to lose their
dependence on fossil fuels, lower their rates of resource consumption and share
what they do use more equally. How can
we accomplish that? Degrowth economic
models would be the best place to start, and I’m pretty sure that doesn’t
require much of an explanation.
Basically, society remains functional (meaning that nobody starves or
feels a need to offer blowjobs for money) when people decide to buy less stuff. If we want to be using less then we’ll be
producing less and relying on simpler technologies. This means deindustrialization. If we use less energy then we need to get our
resources from close by, so we localize.
If we’re getting things from close by, we’ll need to be more evenly
spread out, so we’ll ruralize. And in
order to make sure that we can all handle such drastic changes, we’ll need
major reskilling programs, adjusting school curriculums from training for
office work and performing specialized, tedious tasks all day to learning how
to be more self-reliant in a country setting.
So to put that in one neat list, we have degrowth, deindustrialization,
localization, ruralization and reskilling.
In the real world, some countries have already
experimented a little with degrowth, subsidizing businesses so they can pay the
same salaries to their employees for less working hours and hire more to lower
unemployment rates. This isn’t anywhere
near as extreme as what I’m advocating, especially in this chapter, but it is
at least a baby step in the right direction.
There is plenty of work that needs to continue so such methods would be
necessary during the transition phase. The
things that we still depend on, like farming, delivery, transportation,
medicine, education and communications can’t just be shut off over night
without alternatives in place. We also
need people to safely power down nuclear plants and store their wastes. Simply left to crumble, many of the
industrial world’s projects would be a major threat. It’s actually pretty amazing how much needs
to be considered when dealing with things that remain toxic for 100,000
years. At Onkalo, a nuclear waste
repository site in Finland, they’ve considered using scary statues instead of
warning signs because they don’t know if today’s languages will still be in use
that far into the future. This leads to
debate on whether the statues would work as warnings or just incite curiosity. Maybe it’s better to leave these sites
inconspicuous and just hope that no one ever finds them or has the high-tech equipment
necessary for extracting their contents.
It’s more complicated than just deciding that we don’t want nuclear
power anymore and therefore those who are doing decommission work would need to
keep at it for a while.
Many other jobs I would cut instantly. These would be things completely unnecessary
to our survival, such as amusement park maintenance, space exploration,
production of junk food, plastic toys, military weapons and the like. Those currently employed in these industries
won’t be left to starve. They’ll just be
given something more beneficial to do.
Even letting these people be bored for a little while is better than
keeping them working in such industries.
I have no problem giving people food and shelter even if they’re not
contributing anything. If it’s up to me,
people will commute, transport, produce and consume as little as possible. More likely, people would just be sharing
jobs, as mentioned above, so that everyone works less but is still doing
something. If nothing else, they have
plenty to learn and can focus more on training for the new lifestyle that I’m
forcing them into. Without being able to
rely on corporations and supermarkets, we have a lot more to learn than just
how to grow food. We’re practically
infants again. We’ll need education on
even the most mundane things, like how to keep our teeth clean and how to wipe
our asses. This can start in classrooms
but eventually living will be learning.
What sense does it make to separate students from firsthand
experience? Just consider how many times
you’ve spent over an hour reading through an instruction manual that still
wasn’t making sense to you then suddenly got what it was trying to describe
after 30 seconds of just watching someone show you. Education shouldn’t be considered separate
from work or even recreation either. It’s
crazy how the modern world separates everything into their own categories, as
if we should do nothing but think while in school then totally shut our brains
off the second we get out of school. We
should always be learning.
Bringing all the separate elements of modern life back
together will help with more than just education. Think about how stupid it is for people to drive
50 miles to a job where they earn the money to pay for their car, food,
membership at a gym and sessions at a tanning salon when we could just do some
physical labor growing crops in our backyards with our shirts off. In the future that I see, there won’t be much
distinction between work, exercise, education and even play. Traditional cultures were very inventive at
turning chores into games, like using dances to tamp down the dirt floors of
their dwellings. We should take
inspiration from such things. Nature should
be the amusement park, the grocery store, the shopping mall and the bank, our
true store of wealth. This is what a
sustainable culture looks like and that is what I aim to create.
Localization is already gaining some support, although a more
tepid version of localization. A pretty
good portion of people understand the benefits of supporting local businesses
and keeping wealth in their community.
Walmart hasn’t exactly gone out of business yet but even a lot of the
people who shop in stores like that tend to have some understanding that they
should stop, if only the small mom and pops could offer more competitive
prices. The desire to decrease fossil
fuel use also leads people to stay a little more local, even if only to save
money rather than to prevent climate change.
However, the need for ruralization is still ignored even by a large
portion of supposed radicals. Many still
tout cities as the more sustainable habitat for humanity, mainly because of the
decreased need for personal cars. According
to their logic, public transportation, walkable communities and concentrated
settlements allow urbanites to live with less fossil fuels per capita. There is truth to this based on how
non-urbanites are currently living.
However, urbanites have the least potential for lowering their current
fossil fuel requirements. The population
density of cities makes it impossible to survive without importing food,
building materials and fuel from outside.
Their large buildings and sewer systems require constant maintenance and
there isn’t much chance of them living without those. Areas with lower population densities, and
that actually have soil, on the other hand, can make adjustments that
potentially allow them to live without any energy sources besides their local
firewood. This is exactly what we
In my opinion, so many people give in to the green city
concept because so many people currently inhabit cities. People have an interesting habit of believing
what they want to, which usually coincides with whatever justifies their
lifestyles. Let’s go through some
statistics to show how obvious this should be.
Using New York City as an example, their population is approximately 8
and a half million in an area of 195,000 acres.
That means the average population density is about 43.5 people per
acre. For them to provide their own
needs is pretty unimaginable.
Sustainable agriculture methods can’t feed much more than 10 people per
acre (this is Martin Crawford’s estimate for potential production from “maximum-yield”
permaculture gardens). I’ve seen some
ridiculously exaggerated estimates for urban food production, claiming to feed
over several hundred per acre. When you consider
all the inputs involved, there’s no way that they can be done sustainably, if
they can be done at all. Some, such as
vertical farms (skyscrapers full of hydroponics and LED grow-lights) although
being experimented with, still mainly exist only in the imaginations of techno-utopianists. It takes more energy to use artificial
substrates and lighting sources inside enormous buildings than it does to grow
things naturally. Wind needs to be
simulated with fans, rain with water pumps and drip irrigation lines and so
on. Bringing the food closer to those
who eat it makes sense if there’s land nearby but for modern cities the idea is
just completely ridiculous. Advocates
for vertical farms also point out that they’re more efficient with water, but
they leave out how much water is used and polluted in manufacturing and
maintaining the infrastructure so even this isn’t true, especially when
compared to how outdoor farming could be done instead of the stupid way that
it’s currently done. They also point to
the decreased land surface needed since layers are stacked on top of each other
but again, this ignores the impacts of the industries needed to build these
Some urban farming techniques are more realistic than others
though. Will Allen’s Growing Power in
Milwaukee claims to produce over a million pounds of food annually, including
10,000 fish, on just 3 acres. This is supposedly
accomplished by using intensive aquaponics in greenhouses. It doesn’t require grow-lights and, instead
of artificial fertilizer, the nutrients come from the used fish tank
water. It’s admittedly an impressive
setup and will be usable for some time but it still can’t be maintained without
fossil fuels and an industrial infrastructure.
Producing the glass, steel, plastics and other materials is too energy
intensive to be sustainable. And
cramming so many fish into such a concentrated area isn’t exactly ideal from an
animal rights perspective. Even for our
own sake, making creatures live in stressed conditions promotes disease,
necessitating treatment with antibiotics and other medicines that affect our
own health. Most of the plagues of the
past were results of our own inhumane practices. It’s basically the world’s way of letting us
know that it doesn’t approve of torture and subjugation. But compassion for tilapia aside, how many
people can this feed? It’s hard to say
considering that “pounds of food” doesn’t exactly tell us what proportion is
staple crops, the things that actually provide calories. Assuming that there’s more than just fish and
salad greens, that his numbers aren’t exaggerated, that the average person
needs 2 pounds of food per day minimum and that his crops are proportional to a
balanced diet, even though they’re probably not, this would be a little less
than 500 per acre, which seems impossible to me, literally being less than 9’
by 10’ per person. Even if we assume 4
pounds of food per day instead that’s still claiming that a 10’ by 18’ space
can produce everything somebody will eat for a year.
Let’s really think about how unlikely that claim is for a
second. A full grown Chinese chestnut
tree with a 30’ diameter canopy can potentially yield over a hundred pounds of
nuts in a season (on average they don’t).
Hazelnuts can supposedly produce 3,000 pounds per acre, or about 60
pounds in a 30’ by 30’ space. Potatoes,
on an amazing year, can yield 800 pounds in that same amount of space. The highest estimate for aquaculture
production in a 30’ by 30’ space that I could find anyone claiming was 2,000
pounds of fish (most estimates were less than 100 pounds). So let’s imagine we have a large chestnut
tree, hazelnuts in the understory, all at maximum production (even though
hazelnuts aren’t shade-tolerant) and underneath them is potatoes (also not shade-tolerant). Somehow the trees stay the same size every
single year and the soil never loses its fertility despite producing the same
crops every year. We have a few chickens
roosting in the hazelnut trees and living off the unbelievable abundance of worms
this fantasy plot provides, giving us a couple hundred pounds of eggs every
year. Somehow there’s a pocket of
subterranean water directly underneath our trees and it’s supporting fish at
the same densities as intensive aquaculture, which will never happen in a low
oxygen, low light situation but let’s just go with it for now. I guess we can just assume the fish feed
entirely on algae and insects that find their way inside. Doing the math, this ridiculous scenario would
yield a total of around 3,160 pounds of food, or a little bit more if you ate
your chickens at the end of the year too.
Will Allen is claiming 6,887 pounds of food in 900 square feet
(1,000,000 pounds divided by 3 acres and divide again by 48.4 since that’s how
many 30’ squares will fit in an acre). That’s more than double! Sorry but there’s just no way in hell that I
can take claims like this seriously.
Something is obviously wrong here.
Using only sunlight, you can’t grow much more than one layer
of potatoes over one layer of fish, and even with the highest estimates I could
find that would only produce 135,520 pounds of food per acre. One million pounds from 3 acres would be
333,333 pounds from each acre. 135,520
is less than 41% of 333,333. You would
need another 5 layers of potatoes to even get close to that. And if we used reasonable estimates instead
of the highest numbers we could find, the number of layers necessary would be
more like 15 to 20. Good luck doing that
without artificial lighting.
Even if I did find his numbers plausible and believed that his
setup could produce enough calories for 500 people per acre, in order to feed
New York’s population would require 17,000 of their 195,000 acres (almost 9% of
the city) to be covered with these huge greenhouses. To add some perspective to this number,
central park is 778 acres. I’ve heard
optimists try to argue that converting central park, and other bits of token
nature in New York, into a food forest would allow the city to provide all its
own food. Clearly these people aren’t
doing any math at all because, as the above numbers show, you would need 22
central parks dedicated solely to food production to feed everyone even with such
a clearly exaggerated level of productivity.
Considering that high estimates for truly sustainable food production
are 50 times lower, it seems fair to say that such high population densities
are inimical to localization. Yet we
still have environmentalists extolling things like “window gardens” which allow
apartment dwellers to grow “a full salad per week” and using rooftop space
which at best will only allow the city to produce its vegetables since they take
less than 2% of the space of total crop production. Most estimates for rooftop space suitable for
any sort of food production in New York are around 3,000 acres, so even just
for vegetables that’s a challenging number to work with. Nobody would buy these claims if they treated
the things that they want to believe with the same skepticism as those they
Here’s one more way to look at it. Imagine an Eden, a perfect human paradise the
same size as New York, 195,000 acres.
It’s completely devoid of concrete.
There are no buildings, no roads, nothing. Imagine every tree is producing edible fruits
or nuts. Chickens and goats wander
around converting the things people don’t eat into fertilizer, meat, milk and
eggs. All water flows clean and full of
fish. The weather is perfect. There’s no need for heating or even
clothing. The canopy of any tree
provides sufficient shelter from the elements.
Pushing this even further still, the inhabitants are the least
industrious on Earth. They feel no need
and no desire to produce anything.
They’re perfectly content listening to the birds and napping most of the
day. They produce no art or jewelry or
ornamentation of any kind. They eat the
bare minimum to survive and don’t even cook their food. They play no games and waste no unnecessary
calories. What I’ve just described is a 195,000
acre piece of land sustainably producing as much human resources as any piece
of land that size can, and it’s inhabited by a group of people with the
smallest footprint human beings are capable of.
How many of these truly economical people could this paradise support
indefinitely? The number of people it
can feed, which is about 10 per acre, or 1,950,000. That’s less than 25% of New York’s current
population. Sorry to those of you whose
identities are tied to cities but land can never sustain a population density
higher than the amount of people per acre that it can feed. The number could be pushed up slightly if we
count ocean fishing but the disparity is so enormous that I don’t think anyone
will argue too much, especially when you consider the current state of our
oceans (90% reduction in large fish populations) and how mercury contamination
makes eating more than a couple meals of fish per week a bad idea. Also, don’t forget that we’d need to account
for the extra resources used when building the boats and nets and things.
Urbanites generally don’t realize how serious a problem this
is because they can’t see their full impacts.
Living in a 100 square foot apartment doesn’t mean that you effect only
100 square feet. It just means that you
don’t have any land to grow your food and fiber or to gather your heating and
cooking fuel, and that somebody else has to waste energy to do these things for
you and waste even more to deliver them to you.
This is why the most sustainable living arrangement will always be to
live directly on the land that provides your necessities. When you see your own impacts and are the one
most affected by them, it’s impossible to ignore carrying capacity and limits
the way that they’re ignored now. It’s
that simple.
Now for a few statistics about rural areas. In the United States there are around 400
million acres cultivated for crops and another 600 million acres used for
grazing livestock. That’s approximately
a full billion acres in total, which is more than 3 acres per person in the
country. I mentioned before that
small-scale food production can potentially produce enough to feed 10 people
per acre so we’re not exactly using this land very efficiently. According to Geoff Lawton, 3% of the energy
used by industrial agriculture is all it would take to produce the same amount
of food with small-scale methods. In
other words, the 10 calories of fossil fuel energy that are used to produce 1
calorie of food could be replaced by less than a third of a calorie of human muscle
power if things are reorganized in a way that actually makes sense from an
ecological perspective. Without
reorganizing before fossil fuels get too “expensive” (either in monetary terms
or what we calculate as causing too much damage) people will either try to keep
this system going by replacing machine labor with human labor, which results in
starvation since they’d burn 10 calories for every calorie they get back, or
the system will just be abandoned, again resulting in starvation for all those
who still depend on it. Considering how
much damage agriculture has caused the planet (the single most destructive
human impact), we should decide to change it right now rather than wait until
it has to be changed. Loss of soil
fertility and deforestation from agriculture both reduce the planet’s ability
to sequester carbon, which is part of the climate change problem that deserves
the same attention as fossil fuels.
The United States also has over 40 million acres of lawn
grass and over a million acres of golf courses, and probably over a million
acres of cemeteries but I won’t go there.
It is amazing how we can’t even die without causing more damage though,
and how we continue having a negative impact long after death. That’s a whole other subject we could get
into. Staying focused on lawns, they
alone could potentially produce enough to feed the current population in the
U.S. Some suburbs are better than others
but many of them could be totally self-sufficient if retrofitted. A good portion of rural land could be left to
rewild, or be ecologically restored, and the rest of it could easily support
the population currently in cities.
Contrary to the pro-city argument that if we want to protect nature we
need to stay out of it, leaving cities could actually decrease the amount of
land used to provide for our needs. I
know that sounds counterintuitive but if small-scale farming yields more per
acre sustainably and if simple lifestyles decrease the need for big farm
machines, transportation infrastructure, oil drilling, mining, manufacturing, and
destructive forms of entertainment, then turning each large-scale farm into
thousands of small-scale ones will allow the same number of people to produce
their necessities with less land. The
math is not complicated.
I’m sure most people reading this are now thinking “you can’t
just force that many people to move!” To
that I respond, “why not?” How many
people were forced into cities by development projects? How many people have fled their homes as a
result of the war on drugs and NAFTA, and how many of them were later forced to
go back to those “homes”? Do the words
“trail of tears” mean anything to you?
This isn’t anything new. It’s
just your turn to realize that the leaders of the world don’t give a shit what
you prefer. I have an agenda and I’m
going to make it happen. Also, coastal
cities are going to be experiencing some serious flooding issues in the decades
ahead. If we ignore the need for
relocation then tons of resources will be wasted trying to hold back the rising
waters and this will only make urbanites even more utterly dependent on
technology and the continuation of industry.
Even a benevolent ruler has to make people hurt a little bit
unfortunately. But then again, we are
pretending that everyone agrees to go along in this scenario so we don’t need
to get too into this argument yet.
I present this information not in an attempt to call “shenanigans”
on the doomers but to show what it would take for our current population to be
sustained, which, despite what the rest of my aspiring primitivist ilk say, I
believe is still a slight possibility. I
certainly don’t consider a population over 7 billion to be ideal. And it is true that we are greatly over
carrying capacity for the planet in its current condition. However, as I’ve shown, U.S. lawn space alone
has the potential to produce enough for as many people as what I’ve heard many
primitivists claim the entire planet can support. It’s actually questionable whether
intentionally reducing the human population enough for everyone to live as true
hunter-gatherers would even be ideal. A
lot of permaculturists try to make the case that since the land is so damaged
and so much work is needed to restore it, having more humans around could
actually be better than just leaving damaged landscapes alone to heal on their
own. I would say that I at least agree
with that logic when it comes to farmland.
A lot of wilderness probably should just be left alone though. Most countries don’t have as much land per
person as the United States but when you actually look at the numbers there
still are more acres of land being used to produce food globally than there are
people on this planet, and even a lot of desertified land has been shown to be
restorable with enough effort, so there could be even more of it without
encroaching on wilderness. If we lower
our material requirements and improve the land’s productive and carbon
sequestering capabilities, which are both very possible, I see no reason why a
population of at least a few billion can’t be sustained. We have to at least admit the mathematical
possibility and present the option. Everyone
just needs to understand what it would take, be allowed to do it, and be
willing, or forced, to make the sacrifices.
So having hopefully presented a pretty good case for ruralization,
let’s get back into my kingdom and see where things are going. I’ve shut down pointless businesses and
extravagant science projects, commanded the powering down of nuclear plants,
and kept farmers, truck drivers, and some others working while everyone else is
trained in permaculture and sustainable living skills in general. Suburbanites are on their way to
self-sufficiency, retrofitting existing structures with rocket stoves, hand
pumps, trombe walls, rainwater catchments, compost toilets and the like. Existing solar panels have been allocated to
help with the transition but people will know that they have to learn to get by
without electricity as things break down since industry is gone for good. When using technologies that don’t fit the
definition of a democratic technic, people need to keep in mind what that
technology is giving them and how, or if, they’ll keep getting it when the
technology breaks down and can’t be repaired.
If you can’t produce the quantities of glass, metal and especially
plastic needed to maintain the technology then you want to be sure your
population density doesn’t depend on it.
This is one area where I think the permaculture crowd falls short. Some of the things they advocate, like
annualized geo-solar heating, plastic pond liners and drip irrigation, trompe
air compressors and biogas, although all huge improvements, just help sustain
higher population densities that couldn’t otherwise be sustained. Existing homes are definitely a problem too but
they’re already in place so we need to work with them. Holes in walls or broken windows that can’t
be replaced can be patched up with cob, damaged roofs covered with thatch or
tree bark if need be, half of the rooms left without heat in the winter,
etc. The same goes for things like eye
glasses, lighters, cooking pots and artificial clothing like polyester, nylon
and synthetic leather. The relics of
industrial civilization aren’t going anywhere for a while and it’s going to
take a long time to relearn the skills we’ve lost. There’s no reason to ban these things
immediately. As long as people are aware
that these things won’t be replaced, and act accordingly, it makes sense to
keep using them for now. If we were to
tear down our current buildings and throw out all our clothing, replacing them
immediately with tipis and deer skins, the impact would be much worse than just
replacing these things with sustainable alternatives as they fall apart over
the years. It’s clearly unsustainable to
keep building houses the way Americans are used to but leaving the ones that
are already built standing doesn’t hurt anything, unless it leads people to
burn a lot more heating fuel than they otherwise would have anyway.
The lawns of the suburbs are transformed into food forests and
paddocks for livestock. A lot of
property becomes shared to allow animals to migrate in herds around the
neighborhood, using a different yard each day in a planned grazing system. Those with pools can stock them with
fish. Those without pools can dig ponds. Machines can be used to help speed this up
but again, nobody can rely on them for new projects in the future.
All farmers transition from their chemically treated
large-scale annual monocultures to organic perennial polycultures. There are many who have made this transition
already and have shown that farmers can plant trees and shrubs in their fields
without sacrificing several years worth of crops while they wait for the first
perennial yield. This is commonly done
using a method called alley cropping, where the perennials are laid out in rows,
usually following the contours of the landscape, leaving “alleys” between them where
the annual crops or pasture can remain.
Over time the perennials take over, making it more challenging for
farmers to harvest with machines on a large scale. This is the best time for those from the
cities to move in and start harvesting their own food. The crops from the polycultures are diverse
enough to support balanced diets, even providing fuel, building materials, and
fiber for clothing. The new inhabitants
bring more diversity with their vegetable gardens, flowers and small livestock
like chickens. They can build simple
dwellings directly on the land and start living self-sufficiently, assuming
they’ve had excellent training and pretty much know what they’re doing. Although the farms are now organic, they’ve
been sprayed for decades and the ground water won’t be safe for some time. Rain water catchments will be necessary for a
while. They’ll have to be built durable
enough to last however long it takes for nature to detoxify. It’s a huge adjustment for everyone and many
struggle to adapt but my people believe in what they’re doing and the vast
majority eventually acclimate.
On the next page are 4 images to help readers visualize the
transition from current farming practices to smaller-scale management. Number 1 shows how land is plowed in straight
lines with no regard for hills and valleys, which leads to erosion. Imagine this represents a large farm, something
over a thousand acres. Since this
obviously can’t be drawn to scale, imagine that this is only showing about 20
acres of that farm and that there are a couple dozen plowed rows between each
line, all basically planted with a single crop.
Since it’s so much land being managed by so few hands, it requires heavy
use of big machines, pesticides and fertilizers. Since it’s so far away from consumers, this
food will be transported thousands of miles before being eaten and those
nutrients won’t return to the land where they came from. Number 2 shows the land plowed on
contour. The land is still managed on a
pretty large-scale, probably only broken up into a few slightly smaller farms,
each one being a few hundred acres at this stage. The decrease in acres farmed makes switching
to organic more feasible. There can be a
little more variety of crops but it’s still pretty simple for harvesting with
machines. Imagine that the contour lines
shown are swales and that they’re planted with trees and shrubs, mostly nuts
and nitrogen-fixers but also 5% or so being fruits, probably a mixture of one
to two dozen species. Between those swales
would still just be annual crops. Number
3 shows the perennials starting to take over a decade or two later, depending
on whether the perennials were planted from seeds or saplings. The trees haven’t totally shaded out the
ground underneath them yet but without applying fertilizers you wouldn’t be
able to keep growing annuals every year for 10 to 20 years, even with
polycultures that include nitrogen-fixers.
Maybe farmers are still applying fertilizers at this stage but it would
be better to either just plant perennial grasses after a few years of annuals or
to have perennial rows closer together with every other row just growing shrubs
since shrubs would start producing food at about the same time you’d want to
stop growing annuals. Number 4 shows
these organic farms being broken up further into small homesteads, probably
less than 10 acres each. The red lines
represent boundaries. Diversity
increases as the new inhabitants plant vegetable gardens and flowers. They would also clear a small percentage of
their trees each year, probably somewhere between 1% and 10% depending on how
long a cycle they want to use, planting annuals in those open patches mixed
with widely-spaced perennials so they can grow back into food forests again. Since they can use hand tools to harvest on
such a small scale, the cropland used for annuals can be diversified as
well. They can also dig ponds wherever
it’s easiest to collect water. Now with
the food being produced where it’s eaten, most of the nutrients stay in the
same general area.

With the farms now parceled out into small-scale homesteads,
basically transformed into eco-villages, and the suburbs supporting themselves,
all of humanity (except for the indigenous groups who’ve managed to survive
this long, who I basically plan to just leave alone to manage their land how
they always have) is living in the ideal population density. I consider ideal to be around 1 person per
acre in most areas. That should be low
enough to help buffer the effects of any bad harvests caused by inclement
weather or personal mistakes, and still high enough to allow for an extension
of untouched wilderness. I prefer that
they remain simple communities with limited specialization. In my opinion there shouldn’t be farmers and
scientists and students and teachers and construction workers, just people who
grow food, experiment, learn, teach, and build as needed. Rather than a species of experts at almost
nothing, humans will once again be a species that is pretty good at everything
they need to do to provide for themselves.
At that point my job is basically done.
Unlike other dictators, I don’t want to remain in charge. I want each locality empowered to make their
own decisions and then I want to join one and live like everybody else.
That’s basically what I would do. It’s worth thinking about this fantasy world
in a little more detail before getting back to the real world though. A lot of people reading this probably aren’t
too familiar with how permaculture works and might only know as much about
simple living as they’ve seen on survivalist TV shows. There’s so many of them now, where
adventurous wilderness experts try to live a month in the woods and they end up
suffering horribly because there’s no human infrastructure in place to help
them survive. Then they usually leave
the audience with a message like “this really makes me appreciate what I have
at home” instead of something like “this really made me realize how little I
need to live happily.” Primitivism does
not have to look like that.
There are different variations for how such communities can
be arranged and we’ll get into this more in the next chapter. What I’ve described in this chapter so far has
been sort of individualistic, what might appeal to people who like having their
own property and privacy, giving each family a few acres to produce for
themselves, probably only making grazing land a commons so that good sized
herds of a hundred to a thousand animals can move together. Grazing animals have been shown to cause the
least damage, and can actually benefit the land, when they’re only in one area
for a day or two at a time. Even very dense
herds moved frequently are better in most situations than lower densities that
aren’t moved. A family doesn’t really
need more than one dairy cow so it just makes sense for there to be a shared
grazing area for all families of each community, even when their houses are so spread
out. Most farmers who use grazing
systems like this, called intensive rotational grazing or mob grazing, rely on
easy to move electric fencing to migrate their animals where they want
them. Electric fences obviously aren’t
democratic technics. If they use normal
wood fences or stone walls, that’s a ton of work to build and maintain, it’s
imposing on the landscape and it’s not very reliable at keeping their animals
in and predators out. For those who want
to incorporate grazing animals into their communities, there’s the possibility
of some people living as grazing specialists, acting sort of like the Samburu
in Africa who herd their cows without fences and just personally guard them against
lions and things, but since part of the idea is to get people out of cities,
there is something I think could be more appealing to them.
First a couple caveats.
Although being extremely averse to cities, clustering houses together
can have some serious benefits regarding security, less building materials to
house the same number of people, having a more communal feel, etc. You can’t get too carried away with it
though. There are still the problems of
spreading disease easier, house fires becoming more catastrophic, too many
people living together to know each other, loss of personal accountability, and
when you start building vertically it defeats the purpose of saving materials
because walls need to be thicker and stronger anyway. Also, the larger the project the more
sedentary life has to be. It becomes too
solid a structure to take down and move with you, although this is true of even
the smallest cob, stone or adobe structure.
Most preindustrial, non-civilized humans avoided totally permanent
buildings. When overrun by ants, fleas
or other pests in a world where you can’t just call an exterminator, it’s
generally a better idea to just accept defeat and set up someplace else, and it
happens everywhere eventually. Also, to
build or reconstruct houses regularly helps keep the knowledge of how to build
alive, so building permanent complexes isn’t necessarily the best way to go but
it is one option worth considering.
Clusters of a dozen to a hundred houses, enough for 50 to a
few hundred inhabitants, what primitivists generally consider to be the range
of a functional community, hardly compares to the insanity of modern
cities. For New York City to provide an
acre of nearby land to each of their 8 and a half million inhabitants, it would
require 12,500 square miles, roughly the size of Connecticut and New Jersey
combined, and those states already have twelve and a half million of their own
people to provide for, which means even that land is already too crowded to
provide an acre for each of its current inhabitants.
But since clustering has some benefits, let’s look at how a
more clustered community could be set up.
One thing that I think can work is to use the houses themselves as a
perimeter barrier for the grazing commons.
The general idea that I came up with is to elongate the houses (making
them more wall-like) and then arrange them in a circle, or at least as close to
a perfect circle as is reasonable for that piece of land. Circles have the lowest perimeter to area
ratio of any shape, meaning the least number of houses would be needed to
enclose the most land. You may be
thinking “but then wouldn’t it be a more efficient use of building materials to
make each individual house round instead of elongated and wall-like?” If we were comparing individual round
buildings to individual rectangular ones then that would be true. By piecing them together though, they’ll have
some shared walls, which should make them almost as efficient as round
buildings, and when using the buildings as a barrier, round buildings aren’t
long enough to enclose as much land without extra walls being built between
them to fill in the gaps. That means
that for this scenario there would actually be less building material needed
for rectangular buildings. Another thing
to consider is that the rectangular buildings don’t actually need to be
partitioned. The complex could actually
resemble more of a donut-shaped longhouse instead. This would be even more efficient per square
foot than using individual round houses that don’t have extra walls built for
enclosing land. Technically, the most
efficient use of building materials is always to just build one enormous round
dwelling that’s large enough to house every single member of the community. Is that practical though? When all things are considered, I just think
that the benefits of piecing smaller rectangular houses together to form a
reliable barrier between predators and livestock makes it one of the better
options. It’s not just better for
livestock but also for those predator species that nearby ecosystems depend on
since it gives people less reason to worry about them. It also cuts back on the need for paddock
fences significantly.
Something like 50 reasonably sized houses (probably each between
600 and 1200 square feet) could enclose 40 quarter acre paddocks (10 acres
total) and probably another 2 to 4 acres of ponds. 40 paddocks is what most recommend for rotational
grazing so if It sounds like way more than necessary, it’s not. Arguably, you may be able to get away with as
few as 10 paddocks if the animals use them for a couple days at a time but that
would put the animals at higher risk of disease and the land at higher risk of
degradation. The ponds are there for the
animals to drink from and can also be used for aquaculture, stocked with fish,
edible plants like cattail, lilies, lotuses, wapato, water chestnuts and
watercress, and they can also provide habitat for ducks. The paddocks should be arranged so that the
grazing animals go from one pond to the next and not back to the first one
before visiting all of them. This way
the ponds have animals using them for about a week or two at most, then get something
like 30 days without the animals before they come back. Otherwise you could run into issues with
water getting contaminated from too much manure or the banks could erode. Lining shorelines with stone and trees can
help prevent erosion as well but it’s still best not to let the animals drink
from the same spot too often. Because of
the possibility of contamination, you should also keep each paddock sloped
towards the pond that animals drink from while they’re in that paddock so the
manure from that paddock doesn’t flow into a different pond when it rains. When the ponds are dug out, the dirt can
intentionally be piled up between ponds before planting the grass to prevent
Paddock fences wouldn’t have to be too substantial,
especially if using smaller livestock like sheep. If the buildings are used as the perimeter
barrier then predators can’t get in and if the animals break into a different
paddock that’s not as big of a deal as them escaping the entire system. The ponds will cut down on the need for
fencing too, acting as a barrier themselves on one side of each paddock. For animals that like to swim, you’d only
need a simple deterrent like rafts tied together since swimming animals can’t
generate as much force as running animals.
And these rafts could be moved each day to block whichever paddock the
animals are in. One possibility for
paddock fencing that I think is worth trying is sort of a compromise between
living fences and normal fences.
Basically, they’d use living trees as the posts, which are usually the
bulk of the work with fencing, and the trunks would be weaved with dead
branches pollarded from the trees every few years. It’s actually better to have a light tree
canopy casting some shade for the animals anyway. Grazing under trees is called silvopasture
and it can produce more protein per acre than either grazing or nut orchards
alone. Pollarding is a technique similar
to coppicing, where trees are cut down and allowed to regrow from the stumps,
but the cut is made high enough on the tree to prevent animals from grazing on
the regrowth. So the trees would be cut
at that height every 5 to 10 years allowing the fence to be rebuilt. It seems to me like the least work for the
best result but you could just use typical stone or wooden fences as well. If the trees don’t grow fast enough to
provide for all the fencing material you could just make movable panels from
the branches that get tied to the tree trunks and moved with the animals every
day. That would be more work but if each
house is only In charge of one paddock that’s less than a once a month
On average, dairy cows produce 6-8 gallons of milk per day,
about 75% of which is available for their human parasites after feeding their
calves. Hardier breeds that can survive winters outside and that are only fed
grass would give significantly less but still should provide at least a gallon
per day for most of the year. Sheep can
be more efficient at converting biomass into milk and over the course of their
lives their wool can provide more clothing than the hides from cows. Either way, having a flock of sheep or small
herd of cows, or a mixture of ruminants, followed by a hundred or so chickens
(rotational grazers do this because the chickens scratch through the manure,
breaking it down faster, and eat the insect larva that can become pests) plus
some fish and ducks, each ring of 50 houses or so (maybe less if some buildings
are used as barns instead of homes) should have all the meat, milk, eggs, wool
and leather they need without much hassle.
I wouldn’t even expect the smell to be too bad once they get used to
it. It might sound kind of gross to have
so many animals in your backyard but they’re only close by for a few days per
month. It actually is a pretty sanitary
set up. It should feel more like a park
than a farm most of the time. And
contrary to what we’re told about animal agriculture by animal rights
activists, it can be done sustainably and humanely.
For the houses themselves, I’m not recommending earthships or
what they’re currently building in “green” suburbs. They should be truly simple dwellings. People in the Kalahari have thrived in
shelters no more formidable than bird nests while surrounded by lions and
hyenas. People in the subarctic survived
in shelters of whale bones and seal skins, using snow as their only building
material on hunting expeditions. In the
temperate zone, most people used tree sapling frames covered in strips of tree
bark. We don’t really have any good
excuse for getting much more lavish than longhouses. Things like tipis and yurts wouldn’t be solid
enough for a livestock barrier but they’d be fine for the more individualist
farms. These complexes for ex-urbanites
would need to at least be made as solid as cob, wattle and daub or adobe,
which, conveniently enough, can all be fortified with cow manure. They wouldn’t need things like water heaters,
plumbing and sewage treatment. Septic
tanks are actually one of the most ridiculous things humans have ever
invented. All you need is a designated
place to do your business and sawdust or wood chips to mix in after you’re
finished. Use this spot for a while,
then leave it alone to compost while using another spot and in a year or two,
empty it and start using it again. For
the more spread out families, even this wouldn’t be necessary. They could just pick a different spot every
day and bury it in a small hole if they feel inclined. The “humanure” isn’t recommended for
fertilizing crops that grow directly in the soil but it’s perfectly safe for
trees and shrubs.
The outside of the complex would be surrounded by food
forests in different stages of development, and that are always in different
stages of development. There should be
close to a full acre of food forest per person since this takes up the bulk of
the space and since I decided that I want most of humanity at about a one
person per acre density. The Native
Central Americans used what they called the milpa cycle, clearing land with
fire and planting it mostly with corn, beans and squash but mixing in long term
perennial crops that grow for decades.
It’s basically what Eric Toensmeier and Dave Jacke call a rotational
mosaic in their book Edible Forest Gardens.
The early annuals could also be things like wheat, potatoes and
hemp. You could mix in herbaceous perennials
like Jerusalem artichoke, groundnut, jinenjo yam and skirret, and there are a
lot of options for staple tree crops.
Where I live, my best options are chestnut, hazelnut, walnut, hickory
and, depending on how much warmer it gets here, maybe hardy almond and northern
pecan. In other parts of the world there’s
macadamia, pistachio, cashew, Brazil nut, bunya pine, pinyon pine, date palm,
plantain, sago, breadfruit, carob, mesquite… as far as I know, everyplace that
trees grow has at least one staple tree crop.
In most cases you don’t really have to be too picky about guilds (plants
that grow well together), just mix in nitrogen-fixing plants in each layer and
don’t plant long stretches of the same species that would make it easy for pests
to exploit them. Doing a little research
beforehand is still a good idea though. Walnuts
and hickories are the most difficult to work with where I live because of an
allelopathic chemical secreted by their roots called juglone. Even with them in the overstory, there are
still plenty of plants to choose from.
The simplest thing to do would be to just graze animals under black
walnuts on juglone-tolerant grasses like blue grass, timothy and fescue mixed
with white clover for nitrogen. That way
you basically only plant once and don’t have to do any research for future
plantings. When the trees are less than
10 years old you could actually use just about anything but after they’ve
grown, even after coppicing large trees and starting over, you need to stick
with juglone-tolerant plants. Annual
crops you could use with walnuts are sunflowers, corn, beans, squash and
pumpkins. A good perennial crop would be
Jerusalem artichoke. Understory shrubs could
be elderberry, black raspberry, and both goumi and Siberian pea shrub can be
used to fix nitrogen. Understory trees
could be white mulberry, black cherry, staghorn sumac (which can be used to
make a beverage that tastes like iced tea and is a good source of vitamin C)
and pawpaw. Black locust works well as a
nitrogen-fixing tree and hazelnut, beech, sugar maple and sycamore (which can
also be tapped for syrup) act as good buffers between juglone and
juglone-intolerant plants. So even with
that complication there’s still a ton that you can do.
Others that don’t work so well in an orchard setting, due to
how long it takes them to start producing, but that could be used in wilderness
strips or along the edge of nearby forests or something are pine nuts, beech, sugar
maple and sycamore. Low-tannin oaks and
horse chestnuts are also worth having around even though they’re not usually
thought of as human food. In my opinion
it’s actually good to have some of these less-desirable food sources around
because in most years people won’t bother eating them and the population will
stay slightly lower than if every square foot was planted with chestnuts or
anything else that tastes good. Then in
the event that something causes a crop failure, there’s an extra food source to
resort to. People can technically keep
their populations down even while growing way more good-tasting food than they
need though, either by encouraging rational planning or just by tricking people
into believing really stupid things. In
Marvin Harris’s book Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches he talks about the logic
behind seemingly irrational cultural taboos.
I don’t buy into all of his theories but the general idea that there
were social and ecological reasons for some really bizarre behavior seems correct
to me. I would rather not have to invent
my own weird taboos or some sort of new religion if I can avoid it though. I’d much rather that people just plant some
stuff that they don’t really like to eat or that they find annoying to
process. Things like acorns and horse
chestnuts are a lot of work for flavors that range from barely edible to not
too bad.
Anyway, getting back to describing how rotational mosaics
work, by a section’s fifth or sixth year of succession it would basically be
all perennial crops. A lot of
permaculturists prefer using short cycles where after a decade or two of growth
(a decade or two from the last coppice, as opposed to from seed which would
take significantly longer) the trees and shrubs are coppiced and the next year
the cycle starts over again with a new planting of annuals. Indigenous groups that lacked metal tools
tended to use longer cycles where they’d burn away underbrush and girdle the trees,
killing them and leaving the ground underneath their dead leafless branches
sunny enough to plant with annuals and new trees. The dead trees would be allowed to stand
until weak enough to be taken down by storms a few years later. Anyone who’s ever tried cutting down a thick tree
with stone tools, or even a dull axe, will tell you that the slight loss in
yield per acre is preferable to spending so much effort trying to remove them. For this reason, in a primitive setting you’re
also not likely to use board wood for building.
You’d want to plant a lot of extra trees that can be harvested young for
thin poles instead. Larger trees would probably
be used more for their bark than their wood.
There’s much debate over the harms and benefits of using fire
to clear land but most can agree that it at least won’t ruin your land if done
only once every decade or two. Some
indigenous people would let the forest grow to be over a hundred years old
before clearing it again, which obviously helps limit the damage of fire. Another benefit of that is that smaller
sections of forest are cleared on any given year. A compromise between those two approaches that’s
worth considering would be to still use shorter cycles but clear a bunch of
smaller patches that are separate from each other every year instead of one
large patch. With the shorter cycles
it’s probably better to incorporate animals so that the extra manure can help
the soil recover faster. In fact, it’s
probably always better to have animals graze under your trees after a few years
of growing annuals but with longer cycles you wouldn’t actually need them. Native Americans didn’t domesticate grazing
animals. Wild deer, and other animals that
occasionally wandered through, were enough to fertilize their land. However, best case scenario for restoring
fertility to the land after a few years of growing annuals would probably be to
plant grasses, use silvopasture for several decades, then let the food forest
overgrow and shade out everything in the understory long enough for things to
start rotting before girdling the trees and starting the cycle over. Whether using 10 year cycles or century-long
ones though, if done right this rotational mosaic method of food production can
remain fertile essentially forever.
The images on the next page show what these circular
complexes could look like. Both show a
ring of connected houses enclosing a grazing circuit. The red arrows show the direction grazing
animals would migrate. Surrounding the
complex are food forests. The dotted
lines represent the separations between different years of succession. On the top is the “ideal” version, imagining
perfect symmetry and totally flat land to work with. On the bottom is what a compromise could look
like. In the real world, things need to
follow the contours of the land and allow for some inconsistencies. Ponds won’t always want to form where we want
them, paddocks won’t be the exact same size and so on. Even the realistic version may seem kind of
idealistic but eco-villages are already being designed with flowery mandala
shapes that are a lot more complicated than this. Instead of picking out some pretty pattern to
work with and then making up some bullshit justification for why it’s practical,
I advocate starting with the most practical shape and worrying about making it
look pretty later. For the New Age crowd,
they can always sculpt their butterflies and naked pregnant women into their
walls if they want to but there’s no reason to do all the extra work of laying
things out so complicated just to end up with a community that isn’t practical
to live in.

It’s also worth pointing out that the way communities cluster
together can make a difference as well.
If it’s decided to leave 1 or 2 acres as untouched wilderness for every
acre used for production then you could either have each community surrounded
by an equal or double amount of wild land or you could keep most “used land”
together and most of the untouched wilderness together in larger clumps. A lot of wildlife, particularly apex
predators, need vast connected territories.
Leaving strips of token wilderness therefore wouldn’t be as
beneficial. Technically, with
permaculture landscapes the cultivated land is still tolerable to most animals
but I still think this is the way to go if we have any choice in the
matter. It would also help keep
communities from getting too isolated so that would be a benefit as well.
Below are a few more images I put together to show “ideal”
and realistic communities organized in clusters to keep wild lands as large as
possible. On top is ideal communities
perfectly spaced apart, in the middle is ideal communities perfectly fitting
together and on bottom is a more realistic example of communities clustered
together. I made the grazing cells
yellow just because it’s too small to see the buildings and I thought it’d be
helpful to see where the complexes are.
I also used solid lines for each community’s boundary to separate it
from the food forest divisions within each boundary. For the ideal, I decided to use honeycomb
shapes for the boundaries just because it keeps everything about as even and
perfect fitting as I could figure out.
The realistic one works with my made up land contours and allows for variation
in sizes, layouts, etc. It also shows
that, realistically, some areas within the cropland would likely be too steep,
rocky or swampy for cultivation and therefore just left wild. I don’t show any paths/roads or other
buildings or recreational activity spots just to keep things simple. I’d imagine that paths can flow pretty easily
with the boundaries shown since they follow contours. Remember, the idea is a network of communities
who basically only use Stone Age technology and depend as little as possible on
trading, so any roads wouldn’t need to be too substantial. I’d hope that it wouldn’t take too long before
all that’s needed are dirt or stone footpaths.

According to Toensmeier and Jacke, the rotational mosaic
isn’t necessarily the best way to do food forests but when dealing with a world
of generalists who can’t focus on one little field of study their whole lives,
and with them managing hundreds of acres collectively, I think simplifying
things a little bit is probably the best way to go. Remember, these people won’t have the
internet or even books at some point in the not too distant future. If we need to understand every micro-organism
in the soil to maintain the system then it’s not going to survive. The alternative is what some have taken to
calling an “ignorance-based worldview”, basically an acknowledgement of our
cognitive limitations and a more humble approach to problem solving that
doesn’t inevitably lead to further complexity.
Of course, this is a pretty nebulous concept. The desired level of “ignorance” (or the
maximum amount of information that can be learned and taught without the aid of
unsustainable and immoral practices) is certainly open to debate. The way I look at it, much of our information
and our “accomplishments” are inherently destructive to hold on to. Think not only of the maintenance required
for our industrial infrastructure but even our collection of books, artwork and
historical artifacts that we continually reprint and try to keep from
decaying. Think of what it takes to keep
our supposedly accurate history lessons going, all the materials, training and
coordination required. It actually
necessitates the repeating of the mistakes that the history is supposed to warn
us against. Isn’t that ostensibly why we
make such a big deal about this stuff?
If the importance of history is to learn from the mistakes of the past
such as slavery, imperialism and environmental negligence, what’s the point in
using an education system that contributes to those very problems? Producing so much paper, building enormous
universities that are large enough to shelter thousands from the elements (and
that most of the time are just empty) and producing the excess needed for
specialists to dedicate their lives to study and teaching is a brief experiment
in human learning and I don’t see it lasting much longer.
There’s a reason no cultures did these things before the age
of cheap fossil energy. They
couldn’t. It takes too much to support
these things. It requires more than any
local landbase can provide. This is why
they used songs, stories and other mnemonic techniques to remember what we
store in volumes of textbooks and hard drives.
And this is why we should start considering a resurrection of this type
of education. It would be a good idea
for us to pick out our most important lessons, leave out the trivia and start
translating these ideas into easy to remember myths and jingles, something
closer to fairy tale type stories than the dogmas that people have been
encouraged to take literally. I already
mentioned that, even in the fantasy world that I’m imagining myself ruling, I’d
rather not have to resort to inventing my own religion. There are some ideas about it worth
discussing though. Most religions were
sort of scientifically designed in their inceptions, meant to perpetuate
certain desirable behaviors while warning against others. Teaching the origins of the universe was
never really their purpose, at least not as much as getting people to stop worrying
about such pointless things. I’m not
trying to say that the ideas are scientifically valid. As a tool for social coordination however, it
does exactly what was intended (which wasn’t necessarily to promote peace and
happiness, obviously). This puts
religion in kind of a gray area since some, while not necessarily making sense,
do promote beneficial behaviors, even if just by sheer coincidence. Others create obligatory rituals that must be
performed at any cost, even if say cutting down a tree or sacrificing some
animals isn’t “affordable” at that particular time. Anyway, how to keep the valuable lessons
we’ve learned from our scientific endeavors without a massive industrial
infrastructure is something we need to start considering and there will be a
little more discussion about it later.
I’d love to think that the type of land use described in this
chapter becomes what we mean when we say “sustainable development” and that the
whole country turns into a network of self-sufficient communities and abandoned
cities with vast stretches of unoccupied wilderness. In the real world, I can’t say that I’m
holding my breath for the total revolution but the idea of at least a
significant portion of humanity starting up these totally primitive
eco-villages isn’t so unlikely. While
the more hardcore rewilders won’t be satisfied even if the majority did convert
to this lifestyle, I don’t see any chance for anything more than a tiny portion
of the current population to rely on hunting and gathering for their
sustenance. Even in the most productive
environments it takes at least 10 times the space to support a hunter gatherer
as it does a horticulturalist. In the
more extreme examples, such as the Kalahari, it took 6,400 acres (10 square
miles) per person. In America 500 years
ago, before it was America, chestnuts accounted for nearly half the trees in
some areas (thanks to Native American management) and rivers were full of fish
and safe to drink from. Even back then,
when the forests and waters were producing much more human food than they are
now, the population of human beings living here was still nowhere near what it
is now. The idea of living like a wild
human animal appeals to me but it’s not something I’m going to see in this
lifetime. We can help steer things in
that direction if we decide that it’s best for future generations but no
significant number of ourselves can be sustained that way. We just need to accept that.
Anarchists I expect won’t be totally satisfied with what’s
been said so far either. Even
acknowledging that the whole dictator thing is just a ridiculous example that I
used for the purpose of simplification, I don’t condemn private property or
rules or even rulers to a certain extent.
Anarchists are kind of an interesting bunch, or I guess I should say
they’re a bunch of interesting individuals.
None of them really agree on anything.
I’ve been back and forth with anarchy quite a bit over the years. The only ones that I consider to be true
anarchists at this point are those who advocate small-scale, simple lifestyles. It doesn’t make any sense to me how so many
other anarchists can expect to abolish governments and all hierarchies while
operating mines and manufacturing plants, running long distance trade smoothly
and maintaining cities. It doesn’t seem
possible that the global infrastructure needed for these complex technologies
can be maintained without strict universalized rules and coercive
policies. I also think that anarchism is
most practical when treated more like socialism at a very small scale than like
extreme individualism. On the more nihilist end, it doesn’t seem
likely that total personal freedom for everyone to do whatever they want could
result in anything other than everyone just pissing each other off. Even the simplest of human cultures had to
accept that there were limits to what they could do at any given time. Rules were enforced more by angry neighbors
than by authority figures but, whether officially stated or not, there were
still “rules.” And for people who claim
to be about individual freedom, these anarchists certainly have a lot of
specific demands about how everybody should live. Of course they rarely elucidate these demands
because they don’t want to sound “authoritarian.” Instead they just attack you
when you advocate something else. All
the time wasted listening to anarchists over the years has caused me to think a
lot about the question, when does “not ideal” become “morally wrong?”
The sustainable cultures of the past that primitivists and
anarchists tend to emulate demonstrated some gray areas of their own. Aboriginal Australians systematically burned
the landscape to promote the fresh growth of grasses that kangaroos
preferred. This essentially allowed them
to drive their game from field to field in a manner nearly as reliable as
shepherding. Writer Bill Gammage
describes pre-contact Australia as “a farm without fences.” The animals were managed by the human
inhabitants while retaining an illusion of freedom that farm animals lack. You could argue that Aborigine hunting
techniques were just a more subtle and humane way of keeping livestock, or a
surreptitious form of domestication. If
so, does that mean that the admiration of their culture is undeserved?
When you really think about it, is anything truly free? All creatures are obligated to search for
food, stay near water, keep warm or cool, foster their offspring and avoid
predators. They all follow a genetic
programming and are at the mercy of the whims of their environments. This is what “we are all connected” really
means. Everything influences everything
else. When you think about why we behave
as we do, it’s almost undeniable that free will is just an illusion. I know primitivists hate this analogy but we’re
basically just organic machines, born with programming that’s constantly
updated by our experiences, and no matter how it seems, only doing what is
easiest. Of course, the “easiest” thing
can be very hard work when your values make it unbearable to sit around and
allow what you consider to be an injustice to continue. Our reactions are complicated but they are
still just reactions, no different than a plant responding to stimuli from
light or wind. One way this has been
described is “the butterfly effect” where the flapping of a butterfly’s wings
on one side of the world can trigger a chain of events leading to a hurricane
on the other side. A more realistic example
might be something like a butterfly that distracts someone while they’re
driving, which causes them to crash their car and kill some kid who would have
otherwise become president in 40 years and prevented a nuclear war that,
without him, will now take place. These
are just ways of saying that our lives are never truly separate from anyone
else’s. Any little change in your
influences would result in a completely different life decades later. We’re not really making our own choices when
you think about it but this shouldn’t be interpreted as life is pointless or
that there’s no reason to try fixing things or that there’s no reason to punish
criminals or anything. It’s just a different
way of looking at things, one that should lead to more focus on root causes and
rehabilitation to solve problems. Misinterpreted,
or oversimplified, people can come to some screwy conclusions about it but many
cultures have believed in fate and destiny without treating life as if it
didn’t matter. Saying that everything
that has happened had to happen and that what’s going to happen is inevitable
shouldn’t justify our past atrocities or our present negligence.
This may seem to have gotten a little off topic but a lot of people
have been thrown off by the idea that free will is only an illusion. For those without much ambition, it’s led to
nihilism and apathy. For those who are
ambitious, it’s led to some horribly irresponsible and selfish behavior. If whatever’s going to happen is inevitable
then why try to change anything, right? And
why worry about how you effect the world if the future is already decided? Then there are others who are thrown off in
the other direction. These are people
who interpret the idea similarly but have such strong convictions that they feel
a need to deny its validity. Even the
idea that there could be any correlations between certain social conditions and
certain bad behaviors tends to be treated like a threat to their values. To them, the idea is just a way for the bad
guys to justify their crimes, which is sort of true at least, as I mentioned
above. These are the people who cherry
pick from New Age science experiments looking for reasons to believe that we
are all in control of our lives.
Personally, I don’t see why so many people are reacting like this. Life is too complicated for the human mind to
fully comprehend. We can’t actually
predict what’s inevitable. Therefore
there’s no good reason for the acceptance of fate to make us all apathetic. Sure, our “decisions” don’t actually change
our fate, but they do fulfill it, whatever it is. If we want enjoyable experiences, we still have
social responsibilities. We all have to
respect the opinions and needs of those around us to some degree if we want to
avoid reprisals. If we act like a bunch
of irresponsible dicks then we know the future is going to be hell. If we don’t want to experience hell and we
don’t want our kids to experience hell then why not live our lives in a way
that reflects that? Free will being an
illusion just means that something is inevitable, and as far as any human
knows, that something can be anything.
So with that out of the way, let’s get back into the argument
about freedom and what limits on it are acceptable. Techno-utopianists are another group with
strong opinions on the subject, and they also won’t like much of what I’ve
said. To them, it would be a horrible
injustice if all our accumulated wisdom didn’t lead to a world without work. They demand that robots be designed to build,
clean, manufacture and maintain everything for us so we can be free to pursue
our passions. They expect that this will allow us to evolve into scientifically
enlightened, artistically masterful super beings or something. Well, I clearly don’t see that happening but
even without jobs there would always be obligations of some kind. We’ll never be rid of all chores. There will always be things we have to do in
addition to those that we want to do.
However, the two can be made to align with each other so that what we
have to do is what we want to do. In a
lot of ways that’s what my imagined dictatorship set out to create. I want to see humans walk away from a
destructive culture inundated with shallow thrills and build many new ones
where we can enjoy and take pride in our daily chores. In my opinion, nothing else will ever make us
more free.